This week – from 20 to 25 October 2019 – Mandy Keck and Thomas Gründer from Technische Universität Dresden represent the VANDA team in Vancouver and participate at the international IEEE VIS conference, which is the worldwide largest and most important conference on Information Visualization, Visual Analytics and Scientific Visualization. The conference started on Sunday with many interesting and inspiring keynotes, talks and tutorials, such as Explainable AI, Visual Design and Analysis, and Visualizations for Machine Learning.
On Sunday, Mandy Keck presented the Glyphboard project during the Symposium for Visualization in Data Science. The Glyphboard was developed during the VANDA project and is the result of a great collaboration between TU Dresden, deecoob Technology GmbH, chemmedia AG, and Mercateo AG. We are proud that we received the Best Paper Honorable Mention for our paper “Glyphboard: Visual Exploration of High-Dimensional Data Combining Glyphs and Dimensionality Reduction”, which represents a very successful ending for the VANDA project. The full paper will soon appear in the renowned journal on IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. The Glyphboard project is also available on GitHub: