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MESLIS: How to find under licensed locations?


Many of our customers sell volume licenses to their customers. These licenses cover a certain amount of music events per year at the particular location. Some licenses cover all type of music events some differ between licensed number of DJ events and licensed number of live music events and sometimes even a third number of background / mechanical music event. Collecting societies now use MESLIS to search and identify those locations which are under licensed. This is a very potential starting point for selling additional licenses. Find a brief description how easy this search works in MESLIS.


First of all, there are some prerequisites that must be fulfilled for using this important feature:

  • Only MESLIS customers have access to the application and this feature.
  • The collecting society must have some kind of yearly volume license.
  • Matching between customer data and MESLIS data must be implemented.
  • Customer matching data must provide the number of licensed events per year.


As a MESLIS user you open the application in you browser, log in with your user account and start ‘Location Search’ (see picture). The column ‘Customer events per year’ must be activated to be shown in your individual table view.


Picture: MESLIS Location Search


Now set your own filter and choose the following filter criteria (examples) to define a minimum threshold for the number of events covered by your license per location and year:

  • Select field ‘Location – Customer events per year’.
  • Set ‘at least’ in dropdown list.
  • Set a number of minimum events of your license, e.g. ’10’ per location and year.
  • Define a year or some years, e.g. ‘2018’ to ‘2020’.
  • Click ‘Add’ selection.


Picture: MESLIS Selection on customer events.


For comparing the number of licensed events with the number of events MESLIS has identified for every single year at the particular location you must now define a second filter combination:

  • Select field ‘Location – Customer events per year’ again.
  • Set ‘less than MESLIS events by’ in dropdown list.
  • Set a minimum number for the difference of events between your license and MESLIS, e.g. ’10’ per location and year.
  • Define a year or some years, e.g. ‘2018’ to ‘2020’.
  • Click ‘Add’ selection.


Picture: MESLIS Selection on Difference between customer events and MESLIS events


Now see the result list of all location in the table view which match your search criteria. You are now displayed all locations, that have a license from your collecting society for a given year which covers at least 10 events per year at that particular location. MESLIS has identified at least 10 events more in any particular year than your license covered for the particular year … these locations is your potential for additional licensing since they seem to be under licensed.

MESLIS_Selection_Results_Events_DifferencesPicture: See the difference in licensing per location and year


We wish all our MESLIS Customers a successful sale of additional licenses on the basis of data provided by MESLIS!

Would you like to learn more about MESLIS? Are you interested to see how MESLIS can boost your business as collecting society? Feel free to contact us for more details, a web session and life demo on MESLIS.

We at deecoob support global collecting societies to make sure every person or organisation on this planet which uses music in the public has a license and pays a fair price for it. We enable global collecting societies to earn a fair share of money which they allocate to their members to ensure all artists and music creators are paid for their work, so that the people who compose, write, perform and record music can continue making the music we all love.

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