Content extraction and data crawling provide important value to our customers. Our latest MESLIS Releases (DetectionService, MesService and Backend) and specially the brand new “Merge Locations Workflow” set a new standard for much higher quality of data on locations to our MESLIS users. The most important implementation and new features are highlighted in this summary.
Data Crawling on a higher level
The currently shipped MESLIS Release includes a new implementation of MESLIS crawlers. One of the most useful advantages of this new implementation is, that data crawling respectively content extraction based on machine learning can from now on be done much faster than before. The improved crawler service can even generate the PDF documents for later use as proof of evidence in MESLIS directly during crawling. We are therefore now able to much better scale up crawling when necessary since there is no more bottleneck while generating the PDFs.
No restriction of area or time zone for crawling
MESLIS data crawling and also scaling the crawlers is now possible in several countries and time zones. In addition to this the workflow for retrieving the PDFs was changed: Now the PDFs will be retrieved from the cloud as soon as the events were imported into MELIS. This also gives the opportunity to speed up crawling.
One of the most important fields in MESLIS “Event – Updated timestamp” can now be filtered and will be sortable in the next MESLIS WebApp Release 3.8. Additionally some bugfixing for sorting the columns “Customer events per year” and ” MESLIS events per year ” in the location search of the MESLIS WebApp was carried out.
New Merge Locations Workflow
We established a new entity and a new automatic workflow to merge locations in MESLIS backend. This is the most important feature of this new release. Besides the automated workflow for merging different locations to just one an update workflow at the same time keeps all related events up-to-date. The result of merged locations is a much lower number of location duplicates in the location search in MESLIS. That makes things more efficient and successful for the user. Currently there may still be some duplicates in the location search but further optimizations are currently under development.
No unique location data will be deleted during matching and merging locations but consolidated to the remaining location. The merged location therefore now contains more data than before. Examples für merged and consolidated data are:
- phone number
- web pages
- mail addresses
- category from the original locations.
Additional improvements:
- Each event in the WebApp now has a MESLIS location ID.
- New fields were added for the WebApp:
- For the location search:
- Location – Region
- For the event search:
- Location – Customer Id
- Location – Commercial Id
- Location – Region
- Event – Customer Status
- Event – Timestamp
- For the location search:
- Location search: The user can now apply a case-insensitive search with the filter “Strict Search”.
- Content extraction of websites was improved.
- Address enrichment was improved through crawling geo-coordinates.